
International consulting Project Manager

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Job responsibilities:
1. Responsible for the management and implementation of projects in the fields of ecological environment, new energy, agriculture and rural areas, carbon peaking and carbon in ADB, World Bank and other international institutions;
2. Responsible for preparing project tender documents according to the requirements of ADB, World Bank and other international organizations;
3. Responsible for communication, liaison and coordination with the World Bank, ADB and project implementing agencies;
4. Responsible for expert management, payment management, document management, assistance in report preparation and other work during project implementation;
5. Responsible for the English translation of project documents, and the sorting and archiving of project outcome documents;
6. Other temporary work arranged by the company.

Job Requirements:
1. Education requirements: Master's degree or above (Bachelor's degree or below cannot be sent ~);
2. Major requirements: Environment, energy, society, economy, project management, English, engineering and other related majors;
3. Foreign language requirements: English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability is strong, can be used as a working language;
4. Experience in project implementation of international institutions such as ADB and World Bank is preferred;
5. Good ability to work under pressure, communication and coordination, and self-pursuit.

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